Each training kit costs £40. It can be used again and again to train groups of up to twenty at a time. Each pack includes, scissors, needles, pins, templates, instruction manuals, teaching cards on menstruation, training DVDs all within a handmade bag which is shown above. Each pack also includes a hundred leaflets which can be given to girls when they leave the session so they can continue to make pads at home and teach other women and girls in their communities.
It costs around £6.50 to train each volunteer, covering the cost of transport, the facilities, providing a snack for the volunteers, presenting them with a certificate at the end of the training as well as giving each volunteer a pack. Each volunteer pack contains training instructions, two templates, some fabric, needles, thread, razor blades, pins, a plastic bag, buttons and a pen all within a plastic wallet. The volunteer packs can be seen above and are a gift to encourage participants to train others.
It costs approximately £5.50 to train each man who attends the course, covering the cost of transport, the facilities, providing a snack, presenting them with a certificate at the end of the training as well as giving each participant a pack. The pack contains two lesson plans they use to train community groups, a leaflet with a diagram of the menstrual cycle and female reproductive system as a teaching aid and a pen within a plastic wallet. The packs are pictured above.
Donations can be made through the Justgiving link below. Please make sure you write "EVERY GIRL Project" in the comments to ensure that the donation goes directly into this project.
If you would like to give using a different format, please do get in touch!